Maria Jalynskij
Department of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment
Humboldtstraße 11
07743 Jena
Room 119
Consulting hours: By agreement
Telephone: +49 3641 9-45163
Research Interests
- Personality development
- Achievement motivation
- Test construction
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 03/2022
Research associate at the Department of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena - 10/2020 - 02/2022
Research associate at the Department of Diagnostics, Differential and Personality Psychology, Methodology and Evaluation at University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau - 09/2019 - 02/2020
Research assistant at the Leibniz-Institute for Psychology (ZPID) in project PsyCuraDat, Trier - 10/2017 - 07/2020
Master studies of Psychology at the University of Trier - 10/2014 - 09/2017
Bachelor studies of Psychology at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau
- Since 03/2022
Scherrer, V., Jalynskij, M., Elliot A. J., Becker, J. L., Preckel, F. (accepted for publication). Stability and change in academic achievement goals: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Jalynskij, M., Neyer, F. J., & Lechner, C. (October 2023). Age differences in social, emotional, and behavioral skills in adulthood [Poster session]. CELISE workshop Jena, Germany.
Jalynskij, M., Neyer, F. J., & Lechner, C. (September 2023). Age differences in social, emotional, and behavioral skills in adulthood [Poster session]. Biennial Conference of the German Psychological Society - Section: Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics (DPPD), Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
Jalynskij, M. (February 2023). Soziale, emotionale und behaviorale Fertigkeiten – Ihr Zusammen und Wechselspiel mit Persönlichkeit und Motiven [Talk]. Workshop of the German Psychological Society for Doctoral Students - Section: Personality and Psychological Diagnostics (DPPD), Jena, Germany.
Scherrer, V., Jalynskij, M., Preckel, F. (April 2022). Stability and Change in Academic Achievement Goals: Two Meta-Analyses of Longitudinal Studies: [Poster Session]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA.
Scherrer, V., Jalynskij, M., & Preckel, F. (Juli 2022). Stability and Change in Academic Achievement Goals: Two Meta-Analyses of Longitudinal Studies Indicated no Gender Differences: [Paper Session]. 6th Network Gender & STEM Conference 2022, München, Germany.
Scherrer, V., Jalynskij, M., Preckel, F. (September 2021). Stability and Change in Academic Achievement Goals: Two Meta-Analyses of Longitudinal Studies [Talk]. Biennial Conference of the German Psychological Society – Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics (DPPD) Section, Online, Ulm, Germany.
Blask, K., Gerhards, L., & Jalynskij, M. (2021). PsyCuraDat: Designing a User-Oriented Curation Standard for Behavioral Psychological Research Data. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. External link
Blask, K., Gerhards, L., & Jalynskij, M. (2020). BMBF-project PsyCuraDat: Online Survey (Metadata in Psychology 2.0: What researchers really need). Data repository PsychArchives.
PsyCuraDat: Online survey data file version 1.0.0, External linkBlask, K., Gerhards, L., & Jalynskij, M. (2020). Metadata in Psychology 2.0: What researchers really need – Study description of the data referring to the online survey conducted in the BMBF-funded project PsyCuraDat.
ZPID (Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information). External linkBlask, K., Jalynskij, M., & Gerhards, L. (2020). Metadata in Psychology 1.0: What researchers really need – Study description of the data referring to the expert interviews conducted in the BMBF-funded project PsyCuraDat.
ZPID (Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information). External linkBlask, K., Jalynskij, M., & Gerhards, L. (2020). BMBF-project PsyCuraDat: Expert interviews (Metadata in Psychology 1.0: What researchers really need). Data repository PsychArchives.